Photographers In Danger because of Ai

Here’s a revised version of your intro paragraph that’s more sensational and attention-grabbing:


Artificial Intelligence is on a warpath, and photographers and videographers are in its crosshairs. Four key roles in our industry are teetering on the brink of extinction, and it’s not a matter of if, but when.


I’m not writing this to spread doom and gloom, but rather as a wake-up call. It’s time to sound the alarm and rally the troops. Our mission? To adapt, evolve, and outsmart the AI onslaught before it’s too late.


So, brace yourselves. Here are the four photography jobs facing an imminent demise, and what you can do to avoid being part of their obituary. Who are the 4 types of people who are in trouble?

Portrait Photographers, Your Jobs are Done!

The first casualties in this AI-driven apocalypse are the portrait photographers who’ve been resting on their laurels. If your portfolio is a parade of generic headshots and uninspired LinkedIn profiles, consider this your wake-up call. 


The AI replacements are knocking on your door, and they’re not here to network. 


The antidote? Embrace storytelling. Transform your sessions into narrative masterpieces that showcase your subject’s personality, their profession, and their passions. It’s time to go beyond the smile and the studio backdrop. Capture them in their element, on the job, living their story. This is how you make yourself irreplaceable in an AI-dominated world.

Stock Photographers/Videographers

The stock photography and videography market is facing an existential threat from AI juggernauts like SORA, MidJourney, and Dallee. These AI tools are churning out images and videos at a pace and volume that no human can match. 


If you’re a stock content creator, it’s time to face the music: the generic, one-size-fits-all approach is a dead end. The only glimmer of hope lies in specialization. Carve out a niche for yourself in a specific genre or style that AI can’t replicate (yet). 


Otherwise, it might be time to hang up your camera and call it a day. The stock content game is changing, and only the most adaptable will survive. Tell stories, figure out how you can be the best at something.

If you’re doing drone stock video of the beach, maybe make sure that your drone videos have a particular POV. For example, it could be a low-angle POV or you make sure to cover every angle. You can shoot from the sky, flying above the surface of the water, close ups, big reveals, etc… Deliver more than the client would expect and you’ll be able to survive this game. 

Product Photographers: Do this or Times up

Say goodbye to the days of basic product photography with a simple colored backdrop. If that’s all you’re bringing to the table, you’re on the fast track to obsolescence. It’s time to level up and think outside the studio. Start showcasing products in real-world scenarios, telling a story with each shot. How is the product used in everyday life? 


Who are the people behind it? Where does it belong in their world? It’s about painting a picture that resonates with the viewer, not just showing off the product’s features. If you want to stay relevant in the age of AI, you need to prove that you’re more than just a photographer – you’re a visual storyteller.




And the fourth one is the simple beauty retoucher who doesn’t offer anything more than just skin clean up. While they are highly useful that skill is now going to Ai for faster and cheaper service. If you’re going to retouch photographs for a job, then offer stylized coloring to your portfolio.  
