Photographing New Male Models The Right Way

Photographing New Male Models

Photographing new male models can be a challenging but rewarding experience for a photographer. In order to create stunning and memorable images, it’s essential to direct the model and guide them into confident poses that showcase their best features.

A good body or a beautiful face is not enough; the model needs to be able to convey emotion and personality to truly bring life to the photograph. Overall, it’s typical that male models stand there and flex, which can make it difficult to capture a range of different poses and emotions. That’s where your skills as a director on set are of great value.

Here Are Three Ways to Photograph Male Models Better:

One important tip for photographers is to always encourage the model to think of something and express it through their facial expressions. This can help to liven up the photograph and give it more depth and character. It’s as easy as “think of the first time you got a puppy” or “think of the meal you would like to have again.” It can be positive or negative because both bring light and emotion to the face.


It’s also important to pay attention to the model’s clothing and make sure it’s not wrinkled or out of place. This will not only help the model to look their best, but it will also help the photographer to create a clean portfolio. In the beginning, you may not have a stylist on set, and this is where you decide to wear one more hat on set.


You will have to take care of styling the model yourself, and making sure that their clothing is in good condition is essential. At the start of your career when test shoots are vital, you’ll need to do many of the jobs yourself. A badly placed shirt or a wrinkle can add hours to post-processing, or even scare away potential clients. From my experience, male models often bring everything they need to the shoot in a cramped gym bag, so it’s up to you to guide them from start to finish, even if that means asking them to hang their clothes up the night before the shoot.

Another key aspect of photographing new male models is to pay attention to the body and make sure that it’s shown in the best possible light. This means looking for body parts that are out of place and adjusting them, as well as showing the clothes from multiple angles. When you see the video, the “out-of-place” body parts will make sense. Sometimes, a small adjustment to the way the model is standing or posing can make a big difference to the final photograph.

Overall, it’s important for photographers to remember that a good photograph is not just about the model’s physical appearance, but also about their ability to convey emotion and personality. I’ve noticed that many new male models rely heavily on the physique and at some point, they learn it’s not the body, but the expressions that help them book more jobs.


And sometimes, even the smallest distraction in a photograph can ruin a beautiful image. By following these tips, photographers can create stunning and memorable photographs of male models.




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Thank you for reading,

Walid Azami
