AD Agency Exec Shares Secret Copywriting Tips

How SalesForce’s Boomer Cruz is changing how creative businesses write copy.


I invited my friend Boomer Cruz to give us his best tips for creatives who want to connect more with their audience and sell more… By the way, you can hear the full podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Why is Copywriting So Important in Business?

No matter if you’re with a creative agency or running your own business; copywriting is important to differentiate yourself in a saturated market, pretty much every market nowadays. It also allows you to give perspective on your subject, which allows you to become an authority. That’s why we’re getting hired!


Where Can I Apply Copywriting in My Business?


If you’re reading this post, you’ve probably realized content can be applied everywhere. Here are five places where copywriting can benefit your brand.


  • Captions: Social media is where many clients find us. The photograph may grab their attention but the caption is what gives them the USP. Why is this photographer different? Should continue researching their feed or move on with my day?
  • Website Copy: Clients will visit your website to get more information on you. They’ll usually follow from your social media page to your website. This is where you get to describe each package or even write a little more about yourself. Who is the photographer and why are they different?
  • Ads: This one is self-explanatory, but the good copy on ads makes great ads. Great ads bring in more business.
  • Your Slogan: It’s that simple tagline that you place everywhere.
  • Emails: Communication with clients is a tricky area. Making sure they understand the message with you being present is key! What you write will likely move them towards hiring you, or push them away.

Now that you understand where we can use the written copy in our day-to-day business, it’s time to apply some methods taught by Boomer!

Success Starts With The First Line

The goal is to stir up the emotion of some sort. Only use one of these buckets, don’t try to mix all of them into one line. It’ll get muddy and simplicity is powerful!

  1. Bucket 1: You want to start with something that will catch their attention. Try talking about something new they may not have seen before. You can also try a unique fact or something that really surprised you! As humans, we want to be in on the newest thing, especially if it can benefit us.An example for a photographer would be: I just found the best new frames for my clients! Want to see what it is?
  2. Bucket 2: Try starting with something exclusive that they may not have access to! Speak about something secretive or something that rarely happens.An example for a photographer would be: I have the most unique romantic spot for engagement photographs!
  3. Bucket 3:  Try writing something about pain and how they can avoid it. It can also be about regret, rejection, procrastination, feeling alone, or just about any painful experience.An example for a photographer would be: I have the best method to make sure your photos always look stunning, straight out of the magazine type of stunning!

By the way, the role of the first line is getting to you to read the second line. The goal of the second line is to get you to the 3rd line, and so on.

What is a Powerful Formula For Copywriting?

ARCS is a very easy formula to follow if you want a powerful copy. If you can get in the habit of pushing this formula for just about any writing you have, it will be far more effective.


(A) Ask: Get the client to nod YES to something and agree with you. Get them to:


(R) Relate: You can relate to the client by simply saying something like “I have seen far too many clients get mediocre photographs” – who hasn’t experienced something like this before?!


(C)  Close: Give them a closer that is simple. This is a solution to the problem that you just mentioned. You can say “That’s why I give each client a posing lesson before starting!”


(S)  Send: Tell the client where to go. You can direct them to your website, a form, etc…


Try this on your next pose or even on your sales page. Guide your client through simple dialogue that is effective and aims at intriguing your potential customers.

What is a 2ND Powerful Formula For Copywriting

Another excellent method to get copywriting tips for creative businesses is to engage your audience by copying the PAS system.


(P) PROBLEM: Start with a common problem the photographer may have. For example, “Do you need new photographs for Linkedin that help you look professional and approachable?”


(A) AGITATE: Agitate the problem further by saying something like “First impressions are vital when it comes to job searches. Make sure you’re not diminishing your chances of getting the interview!”


(S) SOLUTION: Provide a solution for the client. Here’s an example of what you can say “If you are looking to make a positive impact on your new employer, I specialize in Linkedin branding. Call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx”

How Copywriting + Photography Pricing Make You Unstoppable

For those photographers looking to boost their business and bring in big profits, you’ll need to position yourself better. I’m thankful to my friend, Boomer Cruz, for sharing his priceless knowledge. However, can you imagine mastering your communication without knowing how to price your photography?


I have a mini-course that increases your profits bigger than you’ve ever seen! It’s the same method that I use to book my clients like RCA Records, Epic Records, Jennifer Lopez, VW Motors, etc… Get the course here.


If you’re not ready to invest in a pricing course yet, please consider signing up for my free newsletter. You’ll get many freebies, cheatsheets, and tips to book more clients. Sign up here or on the form below!

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🎙️Listen to the Creative Caffeine Podcast on Apple or Spotify!


📸 Check out my Photography Masterclass here!


Thank you for reading,

